Celebrate Culture: Heritage Month 2023

Discover our collection of Proudly South African books! 📚🇿🇦
This Heritage Month we celebrate our local authors and their remarkable literary creations. Immerse yourself in the enchanting tales that shed light on the beauty and cultural wealth of South Africa.
Our carefully curated collection of books that delves into captivating fiction and non-fiction narratives, celebrates the beauty and cultural richness of our diverse nation.
Join us on a literary journey to explore the vibrant tales that make our country truly remarkable.
With every turn of the page, you'll uncover captivating narratives that will transport you on a journey through the rich tapestry of our heritage.
Check out some of our handpicked favorites!

The title Rise is inspired by Siya’s mother – Phakama – which translates to the book’s name, as well as a celebration of his Xhosa heritage.

Jan Braai is a South African phenomenon – he started Braai Day in 2005 and the day has grown from strength to strength since then.

A rich potpourri of tastes from the kitchens of East and West!

An illuminating look at successful leadership in action... and a terrifying reminder of just how close a country we think of today as a model for racial reconciliation came to civil war.
Don't miss out on this opportunity! Shop now and embark on a reading adventure that will leave you inspired!
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